My Coaching Philosophy

I am passionate about playing and coaching sports. Like most endeavors, sports rewards hard work, discipline, and quality of character. I believe that to consistently excel in sports, it requires a dedication of lifestyle and a relentless commitment to conditioning one’s mind, body and sprit. I embrace that challenge and relish the opportunity to expand and grow daily.

I have found that the pursuit of mental toughness or a test of wills is what inspires me. For me the concept of mental toughness is not playing through injury. Rather mental toughness is the ability to focus through fatigue. It is the ability to push through self-perceived limits even when the tank is empty. It is through sports that mental toughness or the determination of the human spirit that drives a person to persevere and overcome seemingly insurmountable odds is revealed time and time again.


I also embrace the notion that it is through sports in which one can cultivate character and teach some of life’s most important lessons like teamwork and resiliency. As a coach, I strive to impart upon my students a keen understanding of the game and foster the development of character and a championship mentality.

Every athlete has unique talents, skills, and abilities.  Part of my role is to discern the critical areas in each athlete that may require development. It is my goal to expand their skill set, strengthen their leadership skills, and foster a camaraderie amongst the team members that becomes their extended family.


I am a spirited competitor to the core.  I want to win every game.  But no matter the outcome of the competition, I take the greatest joy and satisfaction in seeing my players revel in the competition and further develop as players and people.  Guide them as they push their limits and make individual sacrifices for the benefit of the entire team.  Assist them to overcome their own individual challenges and perform beyond their highest expectations. I share in their pride that they display by knowing that they have achieved as part of a greater whole; that they have contributed their strengths to the group’s success. Realize that they have earned the respect and reliance of their teammates; they have the comfort of knowing that they can rely on their teammates to be there for them. It can be as glorious as a tournament championship or as simple as bolstering each other’s spirits after a loss.  The team is a context for them to understand the social dynamics of being part of an elite group that aims high and aspires to the loftiest of goals.


To quote Vince Lombardi, “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”  It is my sincerest wish that each and every one of my players can take the success that they will experience as part of my program and apply that same determination for excellence towards all facets of their lives.


All The Best,

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